Another recent big change ... Challenging Modern Toxin Exposure

Challenging Modern Toxin Exposure ....The Long-Term Benefits I Experienced Ditching Synthetic Commercial Products

Challenging Modern Toxin Exposure Through Lifestyle Changes - The Long-Term Benefits I Experienced Ditching Synthetic Commercial Products

Dear friends,

Hello again & Happy Tuesday!

I hope you are having a good start to the week.

It is great to see you again back @ the healthiest spot of your inbox, taking a proactive step towards investing in yourself.

Let's dive in to the main show...

[In this episode]

What is another HUGE change I made in the last 3 years…?

Many of you know that I have been ‘optimizing’ for >15 years now.

So, along the lines of optimizing for human performance and longevity, what is one of the major newer consideration & change I made in the last 2-3 years?

  • Removed most commercial personal care & cleaning products that you buy from a store
  • Removed suncreen without replacement
  • Replace and Make most things from food grade ingredients: baking soda, ACV and organic tea.

What is the principle?

If I can’t eat it, I don’t put it on my body.

Our skin/scalp is porous, don’t be putting strange chemicals on it.

The same principle applies to what you use to clean your house.

For example, what I use to wash the house is made with the same ingredients I use to wash my hair, for example.

I rarely let cleaners clean my house unless they are willing to adhere to using my ingredients.

(many will not by the way, they would prefer to spray their industrial grade chemicals around as it is easier for them)

What changes have I noticed?

  • Softer skin (the places where I would use sunscreen would always be dry) -- yes 0 products, better skin
  • Shinier, longer, fuller hair -- yes, 0 products, better hair
  • Heightened senses for chemical smells, people’s perfumes/colognes, generally heightened senses for unhealth environments, etc.
  • Maybe you don't care about your skin & hair, but the point is that the above are the macro-signs that things at a cellular/molecular level are improving, reduced ROS, inflammation, less DNA damage etc. - all processes that improve your cognition & rate of aging when reduced chronically

There are a few exceptions, what are they?

I still buy the following:

Commercially made toothpaste, castille soap and essential oils

Toilet cleaner (!)

Dishwasher detergent and clothes detergent, albeit, I investigate the ingredient list carefully, use nominal amounts, and run extra rinse cycles.

(not to say that these aspects can't be improved, though, I just haven't figured out a system for it, yet)


Admittedly, it took sometime, probably 3-6 months to implement to 80% and 12 months to get to where I am at today, and to build the corresponding new systems and habits, but I highly recommend it.

BTW Personal care products & home products are the biggest sources of toxins.

Cosmetics, shampoos, conditioners and skincare items often contain chemicals like phthalates, heavy metals, parabens, and synthetic fragrances.

Household cleaning products have even more sinister ingredients.

It is not surprising then that modern diseases, such as autoimmune has been rising.

There amount of low grade toxins in our lives and environment has been increasing over the course of the last 10-30 years.

My theory is also that this has something to do with why young adults today look older than young adults did 10-30 years ago.

Much of what people regard as signs of 'normal aging', can be attributed to chronic low grade exposure to various toxins and chemicals.

This figure showing Cellular & Physiological links between Environmental toxins & autoimmune conditions shed some light ….👇


Here's an updated list of all Series currently running in the Vault:

  • Geroprotective Compounds & Agents
  • Cognitive Prowess / Nootropics
  • Longevity Formula: Blue Zones
  • Microbiome / Gut Microbiome
  • Organ health & longevity
  • Phytonutrients
  • Nutritional Excellence
  • Fatty acids
  • Stress /Alertness/Wakefulness
  • Cellular Health & Hallmarks of aging
  • DNA Methylation & Epigenetics
  • Proteins, muscle and aging pathways
  • My 8 Supplement stacks
  • Circadian rhythm
  • Thyroid health
  • Hair health

If you are new and have missed any of the released series drop me a line and I'll send it to you.

(P.S. if you were forwarded this email, you can also enter the Longevity Vault here.)


Cohen L, Jefferies A. Environmental exposures and cancer: using the precautionary principle. Ecancermedicalscience. 2019 Apr 16;13:ed91.

Kharrazian D. Exposure to Environmental Toxins and Autoimmune Conditions. Integr Med (Encinitas). 2021 Apr;20(2):20-24.

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