Outlast. Outshine. Outperform.

Join my 6-day email course on extending your prime to create more, maintain your edge, and build a lasting legacy. Subscribe NOW and, as an added bonus, receive my “Maximum Impact Supplement Timing Playbook.”


I Help Tech Leaders Engineer Longevity

📓 Individual Longevity Nutrition Assessments & Bespoke Roadmapping

🕜 60-Minute Deep Dive: NAIL Your High-Lever PRO-Longevity Moves

🎧 One-on-One “Hold Your Hand” Implementation

Tech Leaders' Biological Age Accelerates Due to These EIGHT Issues

You can avoid these pitfalls:

1️⃣ An overwhelming flood of longevity information that paralyzes action

2️⃣ A recovery protocol that's insufficient for high-performance demands

3️⃣ A longevity plan that fails to adapt to new scientific findings

4️⃣ A mindset that views health as separate from professional success

5️⃣ An outdated understanding of nutrition that hinders optimal performance

6️⃣ An approach to aging that's reactive rather than proactive

7️⃣ A social circle that doesn't support longevity and high-performance goals

8️⃣ A fitness approach that prioritizes short-term gains over long-term health

Techies like you can engage me to optimize your longevity + performance in three powerful ways:

Pro-Longevity Assessment & Roadmap

Cost: $778

Get a comprehensive 100-point aging evaluation and personalized elevation roadmap. Includes a 45-minute expert consultation and 30-minute follow-up

60-Minute Pro-Longevity Deep Dive

Cost: $397

Identify your top 3 high-leverage pro-longevity moves in just one hour. Receive a personalized assessment, actionable tactics, and immediate strategies to optimize your longevity approach.

VIP Longevity Mastery Coaching

Cost: Needs based

Bring your longevity roadmap to life with personalized, step-by-step guidance. This high-touch program is designed for tech leaders who want direct support in implementing their pro-longevity strategies.

Extend Your Prime, Amplify Your Impact

Our pro-longevity systems empower tech leaders and entrepreneurs to outlive, outshine, and outperform.

Together, we’ll optimize your biology, enhance your cognitive edge, and maximize your productive years.

Ready to transform your health trajectory? Schedule a discovery call today and learn how to leverage meticulously crafted longevity tactics to extend your professional prime and to amplify your personal & professional impact.



...of tech leaders report improved energy levels within 30 days



...of entrepreneurs experience enhanced cognitive performance after implementing our strategies



...of innovators say they've gained valuable, actionable insights for sustainable health optimization

“Kat’s expertise in dietary health, sleep optimization, and overall well-being has been transformative. Her personalized approach and in-depth knowledge helped me improve my sleep quality, optimize my diet, and increase my energy levels. The practical strategies she provided have had a lasting impact on my health and productivity.
As I approach 40, I realize the importance of these pro-longevity tactics for maintaining peak performance in my career.
Samuel W. Tech Entrepreneur, Age 39

Extending Your Prime is Just Three Steps Away.


Schedule a Prime Potential Call

In a 30-minute call, you and I will discuss what's holding you back and where you want your vitality and performance to go. This conversation kickstarts your personalized longevity strategy.


Get Your Longevity Needs Assessment & Roadmap

I'll send you a custom needs assessment on how we can work together to extend your prime. Optimizing longevity is easier with a plan. In step two, I'll show you your personalized roadmap.


Thrive in Your Extended & Renewed Prime

In just 3-6 months, you won't recognize your former self. You'll move from fatigue to vitality and from uncertainty to confidence in your extended prime. You'll excel in both life and business, performing at higher levels for longer.

Disrupting Industries is Your Specialty.

You've made a career out of challenging the status quo and pushing technological boundaries. Now it's time to apply that innovative spirit to your own longevity. The human body is the ultimate complex system, and with the right approach, we can optimize it for extended peak performance.

Our tailored longevity coaching treats your body & mind with the same precision and care you devote to your tech innovations. Let's work together to ensure your most important assetyou—is optimized, not just for the next product launch, but for several more decades to come.

Schedule your intake call today, and let's get started on disrupting your aging:

Master the Fundamentals: 6-Day Longevity Essentials Course

Did you know mastering just a few fundamental practices can significantly extend your prime & enhance your performance?

Start building your foundation for extended peak performance today: